Query Object

Query Object

Expanding queries tree we can see some predefined queries. For execute a query double click on it.

To activate the Query view push the button. And the result seems.

On the Table view We can see aren`t available the basic olap characteristics how drilling, sort, and so on... This is due to the query have been built from a plane MDX.

For availability functions drilling, sort... we need to associate the query with a 'Query Object' or 'logic model'.

This is possible building the query graphically, by example whith the Browser view. If the query haven´t 'WITHMEMBER' it is possible to create a logic model easily pushing the button and the result is:

In the Table view already are available the basic olap characteristics how drilling, sort, and so on... But the Query view See us how the query have changed from
'SELECT{[Measures].[Unit Sales],[Measures].[Store Cost],....ONCOLUMNS,'.

If change the cube measures also will change the query results and that isn´t good.

At this point we remember that olap4j is beta.